Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cradled by the Holy Spirit

Lyrics to a popular contemporary Christian song:
"You dance over me, while I am unaware.  You sing all around, but I never hear the sound.  Lord, I’m amazed by you."

Perhaps we can hear the sound? 

Generally, I like to base my thoughts off of something, and tonight's thoughts were brought forth by a really good workout that started with Body Pump and led into Body Flow. 

Body flow is perhaps my new favorite thing. Why? Because it quiets my mind. Plain and simple. At the end of every session there is a 15 minute segment of "meditation." I've determined to use this time to benefit my mental state. 

Tonight, I decided before hand that I'd allow anything that was causing me anxiety to come forth during this time, and that I'd see it, feel it, and then let it go. So, I did. 

And before I knew it I could feel the arms of the Holy Spirit cradling me. I could feel that anxiety being calmed, and then I let it go. 

Go with me here: 
Lying on the, what I am sure was cold but I had no realization of it, floor, I began to really take hold of the things in my life that I'm unsure and anxious about. All of the things that keep me awake at night.(We all have them.) And as I allowed those to surface, or I saw them, I began to just as quickly as I saw them, let them go. After I had let the very last bit of it run from my mind. I felt light. I saw light, and for that moment I was light. The next thing I felt was cradled and the music seemed to be louder, more intense, sweeter. I felt aware; aware of the spirit of God that dwells among us. I felt Him singing over me................I felt the Holy Spirit's arms wrapped around every part of who I am. 

Out of body experience? I don't know about all of that? But, it was certainly a refreshing awareness of just how close I can be to my maker and of how the Holy Spirit wishes to cradle me. 

1 comment:

Constantly Amazed... said...

Love Love Love this post and Loved Loved Loved talking to you today and Can't wait to see you Saturday!!!!