Saturday, October 10, 2009

Questions and Answers

Someone asked me the question today: What would you be if you weren't a teacher? and I honestly had no answer to that question.

There have been times in the last few years that I might have had an answer for that question, but I don't anymore, and for whatever reason, I'm OK with that.

I am becoming more and more comfortable with the power that I posses as an educator and I love the feeling of knowing that I am going to be doing something that I love for the rest of my life.

Today,I met some other people that are passionate about what they are doing everyday, and it seemed like God put them in my path to prove to me that the passion that I feel, will still exist even when I am in the, "real world"

Can I see flaws in our education system? of course I can see flaws, but I can also see opportunity. I can see my chance to make a difference and I know that I can impact the lives that come through my classroom door.

I heard someone say today
She said, we often ask ourselves and wonder, will all of what I do for these children be in vain when they move out of my classroom and into the more, sit in your desk, copy from the board, let's read our books one, down the hallway. She said the answer is no. When you give children opportunities and experiences, they draw from it for the rest of their lives and they'll always remember. PROFOUND!
:)(made my day)

This is why I continue on even though I can see the flaws, and, this is why I no longer have an answer to the question "What would you be if you weren't a teacher"

I am a teacher
I have a powerful role in this world.
My soul can reach into the lives of children, everyday.
My hands can hold their hands. My voice can reach their hearts.
My smile can let them know that they are where it starts.
They posses the ability to become whatever they want to be.....No limits...No boundaries.....just opportunity. And as long as they hold onto that experience for the rest of their lives, my job is done, and I am in turn, fulfilled.

So, yeah, I am a teacher.

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