Monday, March 29, 2010

"Ms.Kitchens, I need you"

This past week was a really HARD week for me, teaching. It has a lot to do with this test prep stuff, but then some to do with the fact that I'm a full grown teacher and I'm ready to do it on my own. I don't know it all, but my wings need to fly.

By Friday, I was spent. I was DONE. My mind had checked out before I even got to school that day. And it stayed checked out until I heard the words that I hear quite frequently, "Ms. Kitchens, I need you." Do they always need me when they say this? No. More than half of the time they don't need me at all, but there is just something about those words and knowing that in some ways, they do need me just as much as I need them. That makes even the hardest days enjoyable, worth while, and purposeful.


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