Thursday, March 31, 2011

Inches Away!

About 6 months ago I decided that I needed a change. I needed to begin focusing on my physical health. The thing I've discovered in my twenties is that this body is hard to keep in line. Emotionally, physically, spiritually, intellectually......It's hard work. It's hard work to make sure that the person that I wake up to on a daily basis is who I want it to be, and more importantly, who God has designed and destined for it to be. It is hard work to uncover the aspects of life that feel uncomfortable,and put those things at the forefront of my mind and find ways to find comfort with them.

I won't lie and tell you that I don't wish to know what skinny feels like, but I will tell you that the will to be healthy is much more of a drive for why I wish to lose weight than the want to be "skinny."

So, healthy is what I'm striving for, and according to this morning's measurements, I'm a small 8 inches away from having a healthier/lower risk waist line.

The weight is slowly coming off. Slowly is not considered a bad thing in my mind at this point, because everything that I have read, research wise, indicates that slow and steady is much healthier for my body than fast and furious. But, it can be frustrating at times.

On October 15th of 2010 I weighed 31 lbs more than I do today. I guess that could be looked at as a loss, but honestly, it's a major gain.

My workouts have opened up a whole new aspect of me that I didn't really realize existed. I feel like I've always pushed myself intellectually and spiritually, but physically......................I don't even think I've ever focused on that portion of myself until now. And mentally/emotionally.......those seem to be directly affected as well.

When I look in the mirror I still see things that I'm not thrilled about, but I see change. I see things happening, and better than all of that, I FEEL change. I feel that the physical is coming under submission. It feels right. It feels lovely.

I feel like I'm inches away!

Other great news:
I've lost a shoe size!!!
I've given tons of clothes to my best friend that is also doing a phenomenal job.
I've bought new,smaller clothes......and shoes. :)
Clothes fit better/look better
I can run 2.5 miles without dying, and actually enjoy the way it makes me feel..............(HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?)
Flexibility has improved greatly
Exercise seems to be a part of my life a prescribed medication.
My mom, dad, and baby brother have been inspired to help themselves as well. :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Michelle, I have been watching your progress from Facebook. You are amazing, lady! I'm so proud of you and your determination. I love how you are just embracing life on all playing fields- spiritual, emotional, and physical! You go girl!...Oh, and I envy your ability to run 2.5 miles without dying! :)