Sunday, October 17, 2010

Love Gives

These two words continue to resonate within my soul from a wedding that I recently attended.

It gives. That's all there is to it. Love overcomes hurdles that no amount of intellect will ever be able to grasp. No matter how much we think about it, it will NEVER make sense.

Different kinds of love? Certainly, but they all have that one thing in common. They give.

I'm praying for God to help me givingly love. To be able to understand myself enough to never compromise my individuality, but to fall in love. To fall in love without worrying about what might happen, and just focus on what IS happening.

What is happening:
There is this guy in my life that I care about, and for so long my cynical mindset has kept me from giving the way that I really do want to.

Is he "The One"? I don't know, but I don't have to know. I trust that God has put the right people in my life and that I'm strong enough to push through each season and all of the changes that come along with that.

It'll never be a mistake, because it's a part of my growth.

Are there standards? Of course there are. I've worked too hard to get where I am to let anything jeopardize that, but as long as that love is giving on both ends, I don't see how it can do anything but add to my life.

My prayer:
God guide me. This is uncertain ground, but you are my certain ground and I put all of my trust in you. I'll stand firm in who you're making me to be. I'll allow you to use me as your instrument of peace.I'll sit safely in your lap of love. And if it ends, there is no loss, because I gave love, and there is never a loss in love.

1 comment:

Constantly Amazed... said...

Michelle! i need a skype date with you asap to hear all that is going on in your life!! Miss you dearly!! Love Kayta.