Saturday, January 2, 2010

What am I reading in 2010?

"My connection is that you are right where you are supposed to be. This may look like barren sand to you, but nothing could be further from the truth. I say to you that as you lay your head down tonight, you are sleeping on fertile ground. Think, learn, pray, plan,dream. For will become."

These lines come from a book that I am reading called, "The Noticer" by Andy Andrews

This book is about perspective, stating on the cover "Sometimes all a person needs is a little perspective."

As I've read this book I have begun to watch the story come alive, and of course I compare the situations with others in my very own life. I want to relate to it, use it, and I do and will.

The storyline consists of a man that helps people to realize things in their lives, or "notice." He helps people that are within the valley's of their lives to realize that all they need, is a little perspective.


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